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Breaking News: Violence spreading across Venezuela

By Aleksander Boyd

London 01.03.04 - Vcrisis sources report that there have been street skirmishes in Caracas, Valencia and Maracay. Violence has been erupting since Friday when an opposition rally was brutally attacked by the army, which left two deaths and more than fifty injured.

Neighbours of La Candelaria (downtown Caracas) confronted government supporters who were trying to set a police station on fire. Buses utilised to transport Chavez’ supporters parked in Avenida Bolivar were stoned by neighbours this afternoon. Altamira has been a hot spot during the day; neighbours have engaged in skirmishes with the army and Francisco Fajardo highway has been blocked. Armed confrontations between DISIP and opposition supporters have been reported in Baruta, Prados del Este, Avenida Panteon and Macaracuay.

La India, Montalban, and El Paraíso (also in Caracas) were ‘taken’ by neighbours who shut avenues and street. The government has arrested many people, especially those engaged in political activism. In the eastern state of Nueva Esparta police agents arrested Alexis Pereira and Luis Paz of Primero Justicia. In Lara state Jose Valenzuela, Gabriel Revilla (injured by buckshot), Jesus Rodriguez and Manuel Raad were also arrested and beaten by the state police.

Members of Primero Justicia were shot at during a highway blockage yesterday in Tocuyito, Carabobo state.

Heavy gunfight is being reported from Palos Grandes in Caracas between Polisucre (police controlled by Vice-President’s son) and neighbours. Outbreaks of violence continue to burst.

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