ETA & FARC terrorists got Venezuela citizenship from Hugo Chavez

Alek Boyd

London, 21/10/10 | Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan military caudillo who’s been linked to terrorist organisations of Colombia (FARC) and Spain (ETA), granted Venezuelan citizenship to wanted terrorists from FARC, Rodrigo Granda, and ETA, Arturo Cubillas, in July and August 2004 respectively. The evidence has been found in Venezuela’s gazette, an official publication in which all administrative, legislative, judicial or executive acts must be published to become official.

Despite Chavez’s protestation, this evidence, coupled with Venezuela’s refusal to extradite wanted terrorists to Colombia and Spain, confirms that the Chavez regime is in fact violating UN resolutions 1373 and 1624. Diego Arria, former Venezuelan Ambassador to the UN and assistant secretary to the UN Secretary General, is building a case to bring Hugo Chavez before the International Criminal Court (ICC). Ambassador Arria, who has been asked by Spain’s Supreme Court to participate as witness in the case against ETA terrorists protected by the Venezuelan State, is forming a team of international jurists who will present the case to the ICC in due course.